“Clear Your Home Heal Your Life” - How and why to clear your home

Wherever we go we leave energy trails behind us. Whoever and whatever we connect with (material things, places and spaces people etc) are touched by our energy and state and so are we of theirs. This is one of the reasons why I truly believe in the power of clearing your house: over time all these energies build up and get stocked (becomes stagnant) especially in hidden, small spaces such as corners and underneath beds, inside clutted cupboads and in the deserted basement or storage space. As well as in all the belongings that no longer serves you such as clothes that you never wear (which may even be screaming “I LOVE this dress but I hate the way it makes me look, or “I feel guilty everytime I look at those shoes knowing I spent a fortune on them and yet they are just too high….. etc etc). By surrouding your self with objects that are not making your heart sing with JOY and selflove everytime you look at them, every time you open the door to your home you are basically doing quite the opposite: you are allowing your belongings to OWN you! You are allowing your home to DRAIN your energy instead of UPLIFTING, NOURISH and RESTORE you! This is why making time for a house clearing is one of the most wonderful, invigorating and loving things you can do for yourself and others! As you are letting go of old stuff you are basically telling the Universe: this is who I am now! And everytime you enter into your house WHEREVER your eyes fall you will be reflected by LOVE and Gratitude towards your beautiful home which you yourself created! You are basically sending out the vbration of self love and self care: “I LOVE myself therefore I take care of my home and surround myself purely with objects people, places and spaces that fully SUPPORTS and uplifts me!! On a practical level what we do together as I visit you is that we work with cleansing energetic frequentlies that may be holding onto the belongings that you want to keep but that are essential bringing you down. We do this together through Sounds, Smudging and Prayers! It is important for me that You understand that I act as a vessel for the highest energies which are always Love and Light. I come to Inspire and Empower YOU This is your journey and by the end of the session it is fully because of YOU that the energies have shifted. I like to think of house clearings as the end of an exhalation: If we do not exhale if we are too afraid to let go we will eventually be overwhelmed and literally explode from taking on too much- from other people from objects, places and spaces. However when we Decide to TRUST and let go of that breathe (including everything it brought with it) we create empty, fertile space for new, loving positives energies to enter, flow and grow. I have been working with energy since I was a child as my mother is a true Earth angel who devoted her life to love and heal the planet. She did so in a free flowing way never making anything too serious but rather just by BEING. She inspired me to live my life to the fullest always following my heart and really trusting my intuition which is one of my strongest gifts. My mother frequently showed me how to clear our house by systematically however in a fun and loving way let go of the old to bring in the new. She told me how to pray but more than anything she taught me how to Love.  

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